Another Interior Project


Another interior project I’ve been working on for a while,  depicting the Miranda class landing and cargo facilities. I happen to be working on a complete Miranda class ship, but that will take some time for sure.  I have to admit, I have no idea what I am doing.

This interior has had easy and difficult aspects.  From previous endeavors, I already had  many of the necessary object meshes and structures to begin a nice set up; cargo pods/wall units, doors and frames, deck railing, and observation deck modules for example.  Still, for this particular interior there are only deck plans or scale models of the fan-speculation variety to reference.  These can provide a bit more creative flexibility or leave  you wondering a few “what abouts…?”.   But since there is nothing canon about this design other than the exterior door, I’ll  look on that as “glass half full.” 😀

These are of course the earliest WIP renders with many details and features yet to go, but I think I have the overall layout I want to stick with.  Mostly based on the excellent fan-published Miranda Class Cruiser General Plans by Michael C. Rupprecht and Alex Rosenzweig, there is also a little bit of inspiration from some nice completed scale model kits I ran across on the web.   I’ve added a few features from my own personal preferences of course.  

I also changed the colors a bit, from the greenish tones of the Enterprise’s bays in Andrew Probert’s excellent matte paintings from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, to the blue-gray  hues reminiscent of the USS Reliant’s bridge accents in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan.

Although I have the main deck for both sides of the ship set up, this is only the port side landing bay-1 I am working on, since all these features can be mirror copied when this half is complete.

~ by starstation on February 20, 2009.

17 Responses to “Another Interior Project”

  1. Love the design! I’m a scale modeler, and am preparing an ambitious build of the Miranda class. Your designs have inspired me so much I plan to adapt them to my model. I blogged about your site and these designs. Hopefully they get you some more notice. I’m sure my 1-2 readers will follow the link back here 😉

    • Thanks! Of course I suppose we are all inspired by something, my own ideas rising from some published deck plans and (of all things) a fan built scale model of the Reliant I saw over on the site. I love scale modeling too, but I have even less time for it than CGI. Doesn’t stop me from having a closet filled with unopened polystyrene starships and space vehicles.

  2. Would you mind if we used some of these pictures as backgrounds for an upcoming Star Trek fan film? We have a scene that takes place just after a shuttle lands, and your shots would work great. Thanks!

    • Sure! Have at it.

      • Thank you!

        What do you do your modeling in? It would be fun to see the wireframes of these meshes. I do my rendering in Electric Image Animation System, but only have exterior views. Raul Mamoru has let me relabel his Miranda as our ship.

        Here is a link to our first fan film that we completed a few weeks ago. It has several views of the Cyane Class (the book ‘Ships of the Star Fleet’ improved Miranda) USS Rendezvous.

      • Interesting work. Impressive fan film and great effects work! I love Raul Mamoru’s work, and that Miranda is certainly amazing.

        I myself use Lightwave for all my modeling and rendering.

  3. This is by far my most favorite ship of the Trek universe and to see your vision bring it to life of a sort is very nice! Thank you for the effort!

    • Thanks so much! I haven’t tinkered with her in a few years, but it was sure a pleasure (and a chore) to work on. I’ll surely revisit it someday, after I’ve upgraded my computer systems.

  4. I just want you to know that is some gorgeous work you’ve done there, on my favorite class of starship!!! I have the Miranda blueprints too, and they’re great, but what you are doing here really brings them to life. I’m starting on a 1/350th TOS Miranda. She’ll have a shuttle/cargo bay, and I have to tell you, your renders are giving me lots of ideas. Many thanks for your hard work, and I trully appreciate you showing it off here.

    • Thanks! It’s been a while, but that is still one of my favorite (unfinished) projects I’ve ever worked on, and I’m glad it gets the ole’ idea gears churning. 🙂

      • Well – it certainly does get ’em going 🙂 I hope you don’t mind, but I put a link to this page on my model board. There are a few Mirandaholics that hang out there.

      • Not at all. The more the merrier. 😉

  5. Thanks for sharing your images with us. Here is a link to my Youtube page showing my first animation using one of your images as the background. It is of a runabout arriving.

  6. We finished our episode where we used a couple of your interior shots. Thank you again for sharing!

    • Cool stuff! I’m so glad my images were able to come in handy! 🙂

      • They sure did. We couldn’t have done that scene without them. Have you ever thought about releasing the model? I’d love to be able to use it to render different angles,or even use it in animations with camera movement inside the bay.

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