Variations Continue…

But not without a shot of the blue stuff

tmp_oq_017a1Cove’s Comm Station more like TWOK set up.

Decided before I went on my recent cruise that I wanted a to take a stab at no less than one variation on the communications station in the officer’s quarters (more as it was seen in The Wrath of Khan). Unfortunately I just never found the time. So a couple of weeks after my return (and a holiday) I decided I would get to work on that aspect gnawing at me. Haven’t been able to work on the desk or the side tables and chairs, but I did start on the little cylindrical sconces seen in TWOK.

tmp_oq_016d1Cove gets its rubber floor matting.

I also managed to put down some surface textures on the floor matting in the “cove” though I will eventually have a version with carpet as well. There’s no indication at all that the bunk area ever had one of those sconces placed near it during the films, but I thought I would plant one here to see if it would look useful.

tmp_oq_018Rocks tumblers revealing some quirky surface issues.

Got to looking at the little rocks tumblers and was very unhappy with their glass surface textures, so I thought I would spend some time concentrating my efforts fixing that last night. Decided at the last minute to work on a Romulan Ale bottle as well to add to the shelf.

Glass_Test_006cGot my glass settings close to where I want them, but want to tweak them a bit more.

I wanted the glass to have that contrasting clear versus frosted look the tumblers had in The Search For Spock. Every time I took a shortcut though, it failed miserably (or sat for 20 minutes waiting for a render). I finally settled on some nice settings that I hope won’t eat up too much calculation time when I render for real. As for the Romulan Ale bottle, I think it still needs some work. I’m clearly missing something in the construction aspect, as the more I research the little decanter (which I hear was custom made for The Wrath of Khan) there are quite a few lighting effects I’m not getting. I’m also not very experienced in faking liquids in a bottle, so that’ll take a bit more work too.

Glass_Test_007Drink’s a little dark.

Glass_Test_007aSome ale improvement, but the tumbler starts to look like its made of metal.

More experiments with the glass tumbler, testing double siding, refraction blurring and a few other features attached to the Fast Fresnel settings. Hope I can nail it soon.



~ by starstation on November 30, 2015.

2 Responses to “Variations Continue…”

  1. Hi!
    Once again, an excellent job!
    On the web I have found a picture of Captain Styles, which its clearly shows him in front of his bed. Note the UFP Sign.

    • Thanks! Oh wow! How cool is that little behind-the-scenes tidbit?

      When I first read your comment, it was through my email alert, so I couldn’t immediately see the image. I just assumed you were referring to the little tumbler glass with the UFP symbol, sitting on the headboard behind Styles as seen in the film. This however is quite a new perspective with a bit of unseen (by me) set garnish. Too cool. And again, thanks! 🙂

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